Cart Recovery

Start Recovering your Abandoned Carts

Don't lose a sale when a customer forgets about their shopping cart.
Cartloom will help you get them to checkout.

Abandoned Cart & Recovery

The buyer's name and email address is saved as they begin checkout. If the buyer leaves before purchase, the cart is recorded as abandoned, which you can later recover.

Recover Email Template

Create a standard response email template you send to recover lost buyers. Even add drag and drop generator tags for the Customer Name, Cart Items, Cart Link, and more.

Abandoned Order History

Cartloom knows if an abandoned cart buyer has purchased before, what they've purchased, and what they tried to buy. Get valuable insight into how best to handle each cart recovery.

Custom Recover Email

Depending on the abandoned buyers order history, and what they attempted to buy, crafting a custom recover email message might be far more effective for winning that customer.

Generate Instant Discounts Pro

When crafting your email response to recover an abandoned cart, you can instantly generate a one-off discount code to include in your response back to the customer.

Auto Recover Email Pro

Cartloom can automatically send out recover emails to your abandoned carts with your recover email template. Select the follow up time interval from 15 minutes - to 6 hours.

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